Premiere “The Magical Maze” – a full success!

Poster: The Magical Maze
On June 15 and 16, 2018 the Broadway Company celebrated a great success with “The Magical Maze” at Theater Akzent, directed by Julia Kneussel and Patrick Strasser.
In a vivid and exciting story the audience felt with the ensemble, they laughed and sometimes cried, and at the end awared them with massive applaus.
Voices from the audience mentioned for exeample “it was done with love for detail and immense creativity at an high level.” This represents the quality of the Broadway Connection and especially of the Broadway Company.
In a short interview Patrick gave us some insights in the work with the artists: “We trained the actors in intensive rehearsals to do their best. It was great to see one’s vision come to life. I had great trust in the team – especially Julia Kneussel, who created a wonderful stage adaption. Music-wise we included a width of pieces in this production which challenged the actors – from the classical musical, to pop, all the way to Rap and Gospel. And also choreographically we included many elements to support the story and also to demonstrate the versatility of this company.”
We are looking forward to the next school year, when the Broadway Company brings us to “42nd Street”, with a new and fresh adaption of this classic with latest musical hits from film and stage.
Do you want to be part of our next production? The register here for our next castings!
Don’t dream it. Be it!